In St Lucia, God is generous!

My name is Weronika and I have recently attended a retreat at St. Lucia Retreat and training Centre



Usually when we go for the retreat to detach from every day life we need to choose between, ocean, lake or indigenous nature but St. Lucia has it all. The variety of landscapes, animals, bird and plants species , colors and odors is the nonpareil experience of God’s generosity that I’ve touched. In Saint Lucia God is generous!



Providence and surprise is part of God’s generosity:  During the cruise along St. Lucia Estaury I saw the  African Eagle  coming at full speed to the lake’s surface and flying away with the fish in his beak. During the visit in the park I saw  a herd of elephants drinking from the river and two of them mating close to the river. Surprise and gratuity from God!



There is something healing in observing nature, you have to just be there without distractions, open your eyes and wait – things that I sometimes struggle to do. There is no button to push in order to have it “now”, and no way to influence or control anything. This is healing I need, healing  from my desire to dominate, to be in control, healing from impatience .



 And the fruit that I brought home is peace. Not the peace that comes from the mere meditation or from lack of conflict (there is plenty of conflict in nature!) but the peace that comes from the truth: I am not in control, God is! He truly is if I let him be, if I am able to wait for his time to act, enjoy his surprises and trust in his providence. This is the experience I refreshed during my retreat.



Special thanks to Sr. Elizabeth and the staff at the retreat centre and special invitation to all who read:



Go and meet God.  Through the times of prayer and being in nature let him be in charge of your life again. He is waiting to surprise you in Saint Lucia!


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