My experience of a 30-day Retreat in St Lucia

After being one on one with the Lord for a period of 30 days, I can dare to say like Mary of Magdala that, “I have seen the Lord!” (Jn 20:18). By this I mean to say that my encounter with the person of Jesus Christ was a golden opportunity for me to know better the Christ I have been following for years now. It was also a time for me to look at myself before God and to realise how sinful I am and yet God still loves me unconditionally. It takes an event like this extraordinary intimacy with the Lord to acknowledge and appreciate the countless blessings I have received and still receive every instant of my life from him alone. Moreover, the 30-day retreat was a school of learning to know how the enemy of the human nature operates in my life day in and day out. In addition to knowing more deeply who Christ is, this intimate moment with him has left a deep imprint in my soul; an imprint that makes me an apostle like Mary Magdalene, to my sisters and brothers. Starting the retreat with overwhelming feelings about my life situation at that time, I finished with an inexpressible joy. This is the joy of meeting and staying with the Risen Lord, who promises to be with me always until the end of time (cf. Mt 28:20). This experience is one of the most fantastic experiences I ever had. I remain forever grateful to the Lord, the Giver of everything and to those who made this retreat possible.


                                                                                                Aimé  OUEDRAOGO  (Student of the MAfr)

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